On Tuesday 8th March you and your child/children are invited to our Year 8 subject Parents’ Evening providing you with the opportunity to discuss their progress with our subject teachers. This evening will be booked and held virtually via our Parents’ Evening booking system.
Appointments are scheduled to take place for 5 minutes and the system is automated so they cannot overrun (please note the countdown timer on the screen). Appointments will be on a first come first served basis and can be made up to 12:00 on Tuesday 8th March.
This occasion provides everyone connected with your child’s education the opportunity to take stock and look at the progress of their KS3 journey. Given the disruption Covid-19 has placed on our students learning, we feel this opportunity is more important than ever. We believe that parents, teachers and students can be a powerful team, working together towards the common goal of making the most of every opportunity here at Teignmouth Community School. It is with this aim that you and your child/children are invited to attend the evening virtually.
About the electronic system
The process of using the system by logging in on the evening (preferably with good time before your first appointment starts), should be pretty straight forward. Please use the following link:
Additional support details available at below link:
Please do not hesitate to contact form tutors or subject teachers if you have any questions about the evening, you will find their email addresses in the Staff List on our website:
We look forward to seeing you (virtually) next week. With kindest regards,
Teignmouth Community School, Exeter Road