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Rachel Wickham
Everything that we do at Teignmouth Community School is driven by our belief that we are all always capable of being a slightly better version of ourselves tomorrow than we are today. This is underpinned by the values that, we believe, will ensure that we are all always working to be the best version of ourselves. By working hard and never giving up we remain open to limitless opportunities for progress. I firmly believe that you have not failed until you stop trying. As a community we have a responsibility to be kind and care for each other. We don’t need to agree with everyone, we don’t even need to understand everyone but there is absolutely nothing, other than our own fear and weakness, that stops us from accepting everyone. And only by joining in can we develop and grow. Our characters are like muscles: if we don’t exercise them, if we never push ourselves beyond that which is comfortable then we will never grow. My unwavering commitment as Headteacher at Teignmouth Community School is to challenge and support every young person in our community to be the best version of themselves.

Simon Shadbolt, MBE
Co Opted Governor
Chair of Governors
Link Governor for Ivy Education Trust
Simon was appointed as a Co-Opted Governor of Teignmouth Community School in January 2021.
His career began in the Royal Marines and spanned over 30 years with his last few appointments as a Brigadier (Director level) in Whitehall. Simon has extensive operational experience; taught at the Military Staff College; and worked across government and international organisations in his MOD roles. After leaving the Royal Marines he has had 12 years’ experience at Director/CEO/MD level in industry, in the UK and the Middle East, for HP, British Aerospace, Airbus and General Dynamics. He was awarded an MBE in 1994.
Simon lives in Exeter; is a Director of a local veteran’s charity; works as a government consultant; and wishes to give more to the local community in his role as a school governor.

Michael Wigmore
Parent Governor
GB Appointed
Vice Chair of Governors
Link Governor for Leadership and Management Delivery
Michael was appointed as a Parent Governor in June 2022.
He has worked for South West Water for over 35 years starting as an apprentice and since 2012 as a Senior Manager within the business. Michael has worked in Engineering, Information Technology, Operations and Customer Service; and has extensive experience in Change Management, Operational Reporting and Operational Finance as well as Strategy development.
Michael lives in Teignmouth; is married and has two children at the school and three children who have graduated from Teignmouth and are pursuing careers in Nursing, HR and Technology.

Polly Brock
Co-Opted Governor
Link Governor for Inclusion (Disadvantaged and SEND)
Polly was appointed as a co-opted governor of TCS in December 2020. She is an Audit Associate at Bishop Fleming Chartered Accountants with experience in academy accounts. She is an ex-student of Teignmouth Community School and has a degree in Business and Management from the University of Exeter.

Jim Prior
Co-Opted Governor
Link Governor for Enrichment, Careers
Chair of Discipline Committee
Jim was appointed as a Co-Opted Governor in January 2021. He served in the Royal Engineers before going into the construction equipment industry. He has an MBA and is the Operations Director and owner of his own business. Jim is married with 3 grown up children, all of whom studied at TCS.
Jim’s interests are rugby and classic cars. He is actively involved with careers advice at TCS and hopes to further this input whilst serving as a Governor.

Jane Russell
Co-Opted Governor
Link Governor for Curriculum and Delivery
Jane was appointed as a governor in May 2022.She has had over thirty years experience as a teacher in both Further Education and schools. She was a Head of Faculty in an FE college for many years and in the last ten years worked as an education consultant taking on senior roles and developing strategies for success. An Advanced practitioner in Teaching and Learning and an experienced manager , she has also been involved in international work in various countries for the International Baccalaureate in examining and exam inspections. Additionally, she has worked on projects for Ofqual and more recently been engaged in consultancy and interim management for colleges.

Dr Karl Devincenzi
Co-Opted Governor
Link Governor for Curriculum and Delivery
Dr Karl Devincenzi was appointed as a co-opted governor of TCS in December 2023. Karl leads the team at the University of Exeter delivering widening participation and student recruitment activities in schools and colleges nationwide. Karl initially trained to be a secondary teacher though remained at the University of Exeter and studied for a PhD examining student identity and how choices were made for further study post-16. Karl subsequently joined the Access, Participation and Outreach team, initially creating and managing the Student Ambassador Scheme employing and training current undergraduates to work with students in schools and colleges. He has continued his career as the Schools Relationship Manager, managing a team who engage with schools and colleges across the UK. Karl is a member of various educational networks aimed at improving student opportunities. He serves as a Director on the South West Academic Trust.

Laura Parfitt
Co-opted Governor
Link Governor for Safeguarding, Behaviour and Attendance
Laura grew up in Devon and then went to Cardiff University where she graduated with a degree in French and Japanese. Laura was a secondary school teacher of languages for twenty years and held a range of roles in school throughout that time. She has three children, two of whom attend Teignmouth Community School. The family enjoys travelling and water activities. Laura likes singing and rowing.

Rachel Hill
Local Governance Officer
Rachel was appointed Local Governance Officer in June 2023. Rachel has previously been the governance professional to Trustees and Local Governing Bodies of Multi Academy Trusts, providing advice to all committees on governance, constitutional and procedural matters; and ensuring the Boards met their statutory requirements.
Rachel enjoys working within the education sector and governance finding it to be rewarding and interesting. She understands that, alongside the hard work and dedication of the school staff, the governance role is key in enabling the delivery of strategic objectives.