At Teignmouth Community School our students are assessed in a variety of different ways to help them develop and grow. Ongoing, formative assessment takes place during every lesson and this helps to ensure that all our students maximise their potential. We are currently part of the Embedding Formative Assessment programme run by the Schools, Students and Teachers Network (SSAT). This programme is based on over 20 years of research by Dylan Wiliams and Siobhan Leachy and our staff are exploring ways that they can make a positive impact on student achievement.
Students are given opportunities to engage with their feedback through a range of different methods. This may be through questioning, verbal feedback or marking with written feedback. We always look to help our students make progress and improve their work. We use these ongoing forms of continuous assessment alongside more formal summative testing to help inform our professional judgements and identify students’ next steps for learning.
Each half term teachers make an Attitude to Learning judgement for every student for every subject. These are reported home to parents. The criteria can be seen below.