We are confident that all of our students can do well in their exams if they plan ahead and make sure they are fully prepared. Encourage your child to talk to you about any upcoming examinations so that you can support them with their preparation as a family. At exam time, many students and parents can be anxious about whether they will get the results they need. Please have a look at the information below which will help you to become familiar with what is expected and how you can support your child.
Exam Timetable
Your child will receive their own personalised examination timetable, showing when their exams will be and where they need to go.
Exam timetable example
It is important that your child has the correct equipment to complete their exams. Clear pencil cases must be used in exam rooms and can be purchased from Parent Pay for £3.00 which includes all the necessary equipment, with collection from Reception. Orders should be made at least a week in advance of exams as they are not available instantly.
List of what students will need.
Keep Calm
Keeping calm can sometimes be difficult during exams so it can be really helpful to know exactly what is coming and to think about what you can do to help.
As our students begin to prepare for their exams we will be sharing with them our top tips of how to overcome exam stress and how they can help themselves to feel comfortable, relaxed and ready to do their best.
All of our Year 11 students are given an electronic copy of the book “Exam Attacks” by Nicola Morgan. It looks at how to beat exam stress by focusing on mental and physical health and attitude. You’ll find advice on the best foods to eat (and how to cope when you lose your appetite), how to get better sleep, how to deal with panic, how to plan your revision, how to balance work and relaxation, how to get the right help at the right time, and all sorts of aspects of a healthy attitude. Her quick overview of stress busting strategies can be found here.
More information about specific revision strategies can be found here.