Everything that we do here at Teignmouth Community School is driven by our belief that we are all always capable of being a slightly better version of ourselves tomorrow than we are today. This is underpinned by the values that, we believe, will ensure that we are all always working to be the best version of ourselves.
By working hard and never giving up we remain open to limitless opportunities for progress. I firmly believe that you have not failed until you stop trying.
As a community we have a responsibility to be kind and care for each other. We don’t need to agree with everyone, we don’t even need to understand everyone but there is absolutely nothing, other than our own fear and weakness, that stops us from accepting everyone.
And only by joining in can we develop and grow. Our characters are like muscles: if we don’t exercise them, if we never push ourselves beyond that which is comfortable then we will never grow.
My unwavering commitment as Headteacher at Teignmouth Community School is to challenge and support every young person in our community to be the best version of themselves.
Best Wishes
Rachel Wickham