Please see below the message from Virgin Care regarding Year 7 Flu Vaccinations this Autumn.
Dear Parents,
Your child is due to be in year 7 from September 2020 and as of this year they are therefore eligible for a Free Nasal Childhood Flu Vaccination.
It is anticipated that this will be delivered in schools between October 2020 and December 2020, this will be administered adhering to all up to date Infection Control guidance at the time.
Flu vaccination is one of most effective interventions we have to reduce pressure on the health and social care system which is going to be more important than ever this year. Protecting the vulnerable population through the winter months has never been more important. For this reason, it is essential we deliver the vaccine to as many young people as possible to prevent the spread of infection to those most at risk in society.
In light of the above we are expecting demand to be high and therefore we urge you to follow the below link to consent to your child’s vaccination now. You will also find answers to your FAQ’s on this link.
If you have any difficulties with completing the consent form please contact the Immunisation Team on our Single Point of Access (SPA).
0300 247 0082 – VCL.Immunisations@nhs.net
School Age Immunisations Team
Virgin Care Services Limited