Dear Parents/Carers,
Please be advised that this Wednesday 18 March school will not open for Years 7 and 8. We will be open for all students in Years 9-13 who are well enough to be in school as things stand.
I am sorry for the disruption and difficulties that this may cause but we are reacting to a fast changing situation and we have a large number of staff who can’t be in due to their own health or family’s health situations. We will continue to monitor the situation and follow governmental advice. If we cannot open for all year groups, we will rotate year groups remaining at home and continue to update you on a daily basis.
Work, where possible, will be posted on Class Charts for Years 7 and 8. Please ask your children to remain at home in school hours. If they are displaying any of the potential symptoms of COVID-19, please keep them at home and they need to be isolated.
Many thanks for your support at a challenging time.
Kind regards,
James O’Connell