Dear Parents/Carers,
School is now very quiet with around ten students coming in daily. We have a lot of work set on Class Charts and a number of teachers are making use of the Google platform and other interactive tools such as Seneca and Sparx in order to support learning.
If we remain closed to the majority of our students next term, which seems likely as things stand, we will consolidate our expectations and ways of working and clarify with you before then how we will continue to set work and remotely teach, as best we can, all students.
There is as yet no further information giving detail on how grades will be awarded to students due to take public exams this summer. We will update you when we can. As I wrote previously, for now Year 11 and 13 students should prioritise completing any unfinished coursework which is still a requirement for those who take BTEC or other qualifications. Otherwise, students would be best served by collating and storing their notes and revision materials. They may well need these if they want to take up the opportunity of sitting exams when normal school resumes, perhaps in September if not before. Further to that, they would be best advised to continue learning and studying by looking to their next phase. They have a significant chance to start preparing, reading and researching in advance of what they will be doing in September. For most year 11 students, this will mean looking to level 3 courses and A levels and for Sixth Form students it could mean looking at degree courses or into careers and the job market.
As I wrote before, if you are a key worker or your child is in a vulnerable group and you need them to be looked after during the holiday, please could you email me direct at giving me your child’s name and age and identifying which days he or she needs to be looked after. I need this information by 9am this Thursday 26 March please.
Reminder that if you are struggling to feed your family at this difficult time, please let us know through the school or you can contact Teignmouth Baptist Church directly at 01626 773000 (please leave a message if it goes to answerphone) or by emailing
Finally, please follow the below link to watch a short film which seeks to motivate and inspire our young people at this strange time. It’s been produced by our educational partner organisation, PIXL, and illustrates a powerful message about making the most of this unique opportunity: Now We Have Time
I hope that you are staying reasonably healthy and happy.
Best wishes
James O’Connell