Despite the 60th anniversary Ten Tors (rightly) being postponed until next year, students and staff have still endeavoured to encapsulate the spirit of the event whilst under the constraints of lockdown. Conceived as the brainchild of Miss Waters (Chief Morale Officer), students and staff were challenged to either undertake activities which were of a ‘Ten Tors’ nature (such as camping, walking, navigation etc) or to undergo the rigours of the ‘Ten Chores Challenge’ where various household tasks were to be completed.
Unsurprisingly, the students’ response was almost exclusively in the former category and saw some camping in the garden, map-reading, cooking outside and one Year 10 student, Victoria Jeffs, managed to walk 35 miles within her garden and local area and still found time to bake a fantastic ‘Ten Tors’ cake!
The staff contributions were a little bit more eclectic: Mr Grainger-Allen (Team Manager) undertook 10 chores around his home including laundering his collection of Ten Tors hoodies and making an indecipherable meal which seems to have salad on the side. Mr Johns (Sometime Driver) bravely took his dog for a walk, and Miss Waters appears to have been camping outside for a number of weeks and inexplicably decided to spend the Ten Tors weekend dressed as a banana (?!). Unfortunately, Mr Horne (Ginger) was last seen swinging from tree to tree in Coombe Vale Nature Reserve whilst wearing a loincloth and is presumed lost.
Although this year’s event has been postponed, we still want to recognise and celebrate the achievements of all those involved with Ten Tors training over the past few months; you have all demonstrated such willing, enthusiasm, determination and resilience that you should all be extremely proud of what you have done. Well done and we hope to see you later in the year once the freezing torrential rain and fog is back with us.
Ten Tors Teams
35 Miles – Charlotte Frewin, Charlotte Hutchinson, Layla Snell, Olivia Dann, Victoria Jeffs, Ben Stans and Lucas Watson
45 Miles – Max McNally, Seb Curle, Sam Peat, Toby Curle, Tom Frodsham and Joe Rodwell