The Summer holidays are nearly here, a time to re-charge energy for the next academic year. However, it is important that students carry on reading – not only to maintain but also to strengthen their literacy skills. We’re delighted to announce that Renaissance Learning (providers of Accelerated Reader) have agreed to allow our current TCS students from Y7 and Y8 to have free access to MyON their digital book platform up until the end of August 2021.
Renaissance explained “Every year, students lose months of reading progress over the summer. But with access to thousands of enhanced digital books – plus daily news articles – every student has the resources to keep reading all summer long”
MyON has over 7,000 full text online books both fiction and non-fiction, plus five daily news articles…written by professional journalists. The digital books cover a whole range of topics including science, maths, literacy, sport, art, cooking, hobbies, animals and different fiction genres plus graphic novels. All the digital books can also be used for AR quizzing too!
Information about how to log in will be available soon to all Y7 and Y8 students on Class Charts. Moreover, if you want to practice your language skills over the summer holidays the topical news articles can be translated into both French and Spanish.