Dear Parents/ Carers,
We are pleased to announce that Sports Day this year is going ahead and planned for Friday 9th July with a reserve date of Friday 16th July (if the weather fails us on the first attempt). This is the first year that every student and staff member in the school will be involved. This is a great opportunity for us to come together to both collaborate and to compete and to enjoy some sport and fun.
In this spirit, students are asked to come to school in sports kit on this day and wearing their house colour. Please see below for details of the house colours. It is not a ‘non-school uniform day’ and students should be in sports kit which includes their house colour. If competing, students will need to ensure they are in appropriate clothing and footwear that reduces the likelihood of injury. Please ensure that your son/daughter applies sun cream before coming to school and brings some with them as well as a full water bottle; they may wear a sun hat too. There will be a water point on the field where students can fill up their bottles.
Red – 7AHC, 7EEG, 8LLC, 8CSS, 9CST, 10DB, 10KVC
Yellow – 7AST, 7KHP, 8DTR, 9THD, 9MD, 10CEB, 10JTH
Green – 7CMS, 8TMB, 8RHP, 9NMR, 9CER, 10SRM, 10JK
Blue – 7JLB, 8DC, 8RTR, 9HSW, 9DCH, 10JP, 10NM
The arrangements for the day are as follows:
8.50 Register with tutor
Years 7&8:
9.10-11.45 Sports Day activities on the field
11.45-12.15 Break – Year 7: canteen; Year 8: Milk Bar
12.15-13.00 A shorter period 3
13.00-13.45 A shorter period 4
13.45 Register with tutor in tutor bases
13.45–15.15 Final events on the field and the opportunity to purchase ice-cream
Years 9&10:
9.10-11.10 Periods 1 and 2 in normal lessons
11.10-11.45 Break – Year 9 canteen; Year 10 Milk Bar
11.45–13.45 Sports Day activities on the field
13.45 Register with tutor in tutor bases
13.45–15.15 Final events on the field and the opportunity to purchase ice-creams.
Morning events: 800m, triple jump, javelin, football target shot, egg and spoon, welly wang, long jump, high jump, 100m, hurdles.
Afternoon events: 4 x 100m relay, Staff vs year group winners (4x100m), House Cannon Relay (30m relay) with a staff team, house tug of war with a staff team competing.
Food during the first break will be unchanged and students will use the Milk Bar or Canteen to get their lunch. In addition to this, there will be ice-cream vans on the field from 13.45 where students can purchase ice-creams within their allocated time slot. If students would like to purchase an ice-cream, they will need to bring a small amount of cash (no more than £5) on the day. The ice-cream vans also have a card payment facility.
If you need any further information or have any questions regarding the Covid measures that we have put in place to keep this day safe, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Yours faithfully,
Mr PJ Milsom