Our top-achieving students for the Autumn Term were treated to a rewards day to celebrate their effort and behaviour. The top ‘sixth’ students in each year group, based on the new attitude to learning and independent learning level on the student’s academic report were selected. These students also had to have less than 10 behaviour points and at least 95% attendance; although discretion was applied to students with exceptional circumstances.
Reward activities on offer included, a movie afternoon with popcorn, Christmas wreath making, a trip to Exeter Christmas Market, cake baking, a Just Dance session and climbing at The Quay Climbing Centre.
Miss Ousley and Ms Redfern ran an enjoyable session baking and decorating Christmas themed cakes. The students produced amazing cakes with creative and high-quality decorations, ranging from snowmen, Christmas puddings, Christmas trees and even the Grinch!
Fifteen students chose to experience climbing in a real climbing centre, where some of the climbs reached nearly 50ft in height! For the first hour they took part in clip and climb, solving a number of different vertical challenges and climbs. This included speed climbing and balancing on vertical stacks. Mr Milsom said “The group were amazing, their confidence really grew. The group then had to trust each other whilst they belayed one another climbing. Every student pushed their limits and climbed higher than they thought they could. A really enjoyable afternoon was had by all”.
Miss Brown who led the trip to the Christmas Market said “The weather may have not been on our side, but that didn’t dampen spirits. Students took the opportunity to browse the markets and shops picking up presents for friends and family. A perfect way to celebrate the festive season and all accomplished this year”.
A letter explaining our new rewards system starting in January has been sent home to parents this week. Find a copy of this letter below:
Celebration of Student Achievement and Rewards Letter | PDF