We are delighted to announce that the renowned, best-selling author, Chris D’Lacey, will be visiting our school on Monday, 29th April 2019 to speak to the whole of Year 7 and 8 in the Auditorium – Period 3 & 4 Year 7 and Period 5 & 6 Year 8. Chris is an English author and is well-known for his numerous contributions to children’s fiction. Find out more at http://www.icefire.co.uk/
This event should prove to be enjoyable and valuable for all involved and it is hoped that this visit will generate further inspiration and enthusiasm for reading and creative writing.
Period 3 & 4 – Year 7 Teachers – the talk is due to commence at 11.30 am for approximately one hour and there will then be an opportunity for questions to be asked and books to be signed. We would be very grateful if Period 3 Teachers could support this event by registering groups as normal and then bring them up to and supervise them in the Auditorium. Period 4 Teachers we would be grateful if you could supervise your group in the Auditorium and escort them back to your classroom (if necessary) when the event is finished.
Period 5 & 6 – Year 8 Teachers – the talk is due to commence at 1.45 pm for approximately one hour and there will then be an opportunity for questions to be asked and books to be signed. We would be very grateful if Period 5 Teachers could support this event by registering groups as normal and then bring them up to and supervise them in the Auditorium. Period 6 Teachers we would be grateful if you could supervise your group in the Auditorium and escort them back to your classroom (if necessary) when the event is finished.