Dear Parents/ Carers
Unfortunately, our cover situation looks unpredictable and very precarious for the rest of this week. A number of staff are either ill or looking after dependents who are ill; some of these issues are COVID-19 related but some are to do with other forms of illness. There are very few external supply teachers available and we have already booked as many as we can.
We have therefore made the decision to have one year group home each day for the rest of this week so that parents/carers can at least plan in advance. This Wednesday is the day when lower school students have the chance to get the Flu and/or COVID vaccines, so it is for this reason that we are asking Sixth Form to work from home on the Wednesday.
The plan for this week therefore is:
Tuesday 19 October – Year 10 working at home
Wednesday 20 October – Years 12 and 13 working at home
Thursday 21 October – Year 9 working at home
Friday 22 October – Year 7 working at home
Please remind your son/daughter to check Class Charts for their lessons and work on these days. Where possible, there will be virtual lessons through the Google suite, as we have run previously and discussed with pupils.
We are very sorry to disrupt our students’ learning and to have to take this course of action.