Dear Parents/Carers,
Thank you again for your continuing support and flexibility. We are sorry for the disruption and challenges this situation will be causing you.
The provisional plan for the next few days is as follows:
Thu 19 Mar: Years 9 and 10 students to remain at home.
Fri 20 Mar: Years 7 and 8 students to remain at home.
Next week, as things stand:
Mon 23 Mar: Years 7 and 9 students to remain at home.
Tue 24 Mar: Years 8 and 10 students to remain at home.
We will continue to monitor the situation carefully. Please do tell your sons/daughters to work at home in school hours and to check Class Charts for work. Even where we are using other platforms to deliver learning, Class Charts will remain the first point of call for students as to what to work on.
If you have a major concern with your son/daughter being at home on one of these days, please contact us by emailing
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
James O’Connell