Teignmouth Community School are celebrating the excellent Level 3 outcomes of its sixth form students. Outcomes for students on applied courses such as Business Studies, Travel and Tourism, Health and Social Care and Law were extremely strong (average grade was a Distinction) which is fantastic news for students looking at their next steps in further education and the world of work. Students taking more traditional subjects such as maths and English also faired well with average grades of B/C+.
Rachel Wickham, Headteacher. stated that she is “delighted with the results as they reflect the resilience and determination of the students who are now able to move onto the next phase of their lives and pursue their individual passions.” Laura Milsom, Head of Sixth Form, added “these students have been through a challenging and disrupted time in education. They didn’t have the opportunity to sit formal exams at GCSE so I am particularly proud of how well they coped throughout the exam season.”