Below are some important guidelines for students of key workers who will be in school after the Easter holidays. Students should ensure that they are familiar with them. Teachers will also be following social distancing guidelines so that together we can stay safe and protect others.
The Government has also produced some information for parents and carers about the closure of schools and other educational settings following the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID 19) which can be accessed here:
Student Guidelines
• Go straight to the Arts Centre at 8.50am.
• Wash your hands using soap for 20 seconds (this applies even if you have just washed them at home).
• Register with the member of staff on duty and then wait in the Auditorium.
• Sit apart from other students during all activities while you are in school (auditorium, lessons, break and lunch time).
• Wash your hands before and after break, lunch and the end of the day.
• Do not use the fingerprint machine if buying food in the canteen. Give your name and the staff on duty will look it up for you on the system.
• Try not to touch your face and eyes with your hands.
• Use a tissue or elbow to cough or sneeze and use bins for tissue waste.
*It is recommended that you get changed when you return home from school and place clothes straight in the washing machine.