How we spend our catch up premium
Since the removal of levels at KS2, students are awarded a scaled score in English reading, English grammar, punctuation and spelling and mathematics. The scale progresses from a score of 80 towards a score of 100. A scaled score of 100 or more shows that the student has met the expected standard in the test.
More information about the scaled scores used at KS2 can be found at:
Students not achieving the expected standards are grouped based on needs so that we can prioritise and personalise the provision provided.
Scaled Score | Reading | Maths |
90-99 | 35 | 31 |
80-89 | 9 | 5 |
Those students achieving a score ranging from 80-89 are prioritised and receive additional support outside the classroom based on need (wave 2 interventions). Those students achieving a score ranging from 90-99 receive targeted teaching within the classroom (wave 1 intervention).
Teignmouth Community School is committed to raising the achievement of all students and aims to ensure that those in receipt of the catch-up funding are given additional opportunities to maximise their progress. We invest heavily in the provision for these students assigning additional funding so that we can support them to achieve.
The funding is used to facilitate faculty intervention assistants in English and Maths to work with identified students. The intention is to accelerate the progress of these students by providing specific interventions (e.g during AM registrations) so that students can develop skills in order to close the achievement gap. Some students (where appropriate) are also part of our Accelerate Group which aims to develop secondary school readiness through a personalised timetable that focusses on team working, self-confidence and resilience. 1:1 mentoring is also provided where needed.
Additional literacy support is also provided in CAL to enable students to access a differentiated curriculum where they can master key skills designed to enhance their learning across multiple subject areas. Examples include Toe by Toe and Fresh Start. If necessary, students follow a personalised timetable whereby they receive extra support dependent on personal need.
To continue accelerating the progress of these students, individuals, where appropriate, are extracted from MFL in Year 8 and receive two additional literacy lessons and two additional numeracy lessons. This provision ensures that students are given increased opportunity to develop skills needed for success at Key Stage 4.
Time Allocation | Costing | |
Literacy Intervention Assistant | 5 lessons | Total: £3492 per year |
Numeracy Intervention Assistant | 5 lessons | Total: £3492 per year |
Literacy and numeracy intervention in CAL | 10 lessons | Total: £6984 per year |
Overall Total: £13968 |
Our students enjoy developing their skills towards meeting the expected standard and continue to respond positively towards this additional support.
- “It is fun and it helps me in class”
- “It has helped me a lot with PETER Paragraphs, Word Classes and Creative Writing.”
- “I can concentrate more”
- “It makes me feel more comfortable”