Dear Parent/Guardian,
With the GCSE examinations rapidly approaching, I am writing to confirm the arrangements for the Year 11 exam period over the next few weeks.
GCSE Examinations: Monday 16th May – Thursday 23rd June
Until Friday 10th June, Year 11 students will be expected to be in school full time. When not in exams, they will be in their normal timetabled lessons. There will also be a small number of ‘Impact Lessons’, where students will have the opportunity to have additional time with their subject teachers. This has been designed so that your child has the opportunity for focussed time with their teachers to help ensure they are as prepared as possible for their exams, and these lessons will happen instead of their normal timetabled lessons.
There is no study leave and if students have completed their exams in any timetabled lesson (e.g. Art) they must bring sufficient revision materials and notes to continue doing silent revision and study during these lessons.
On Friday 10th June, there will be no further lessons after the English Language exam in the morning, and students must leave the school site once they have finished their exam on this day. This is not a ‘leavers day’ – all leavers type celebrations must be saved for the leavers’ event (more information below) – and students are expected to go straight home and revise independently that afternoon.
From Monday 13th June onwards, the Year 11 timetable will be changing. From this date, your child will be attending a personalised timetable of Impact Lessons instead of their normal timetabled lessons, and they only need to be in school for exams and Impact Lessons. Attendance to these Impact Lessons is compulsory and your child will receive a timetable for the Impact Lessons they will need to attend.
If your child does not have an exam or an Impact Lesson they do not need to be in school from the 13th June onwards, but a quiet study space will be available in the Library for students who would rather continue with their revision in school rather than at home. This is a dedicated area for revision and should not be used as a common room or eating space.
All Year 11 students will need to be in full uniform up to and including the final exam on Thursday 23rd June.
After school revision sessions will be continuing as normal and details of these are available from subject teachers.
Leavers’ Event
There will be a Leavers’ Event at 09:15am on Friday 24th June, which is the day after the last exam. This will be the final assembly together as a year group and will be a wonderful opportunity to celebrate your child’s time at Teignmouth Community School. The dress code will be smart casual, and if they wish to have a school shirt signed then they should carry one with them to that event.
Year 11 Prom: Friday 24th June
Our school prom is at the Langstone Cliff Hotel on Friday 24th June, with the official red-carpet entrance starting at 7pm; parents and carers are more than welcome to watch students arrive on the evening. Full information is in the letter sent by Mrs Ridings in February – please note that the prom is an alcohol-free occasion, and anyone attempting to bring alcohol into the venue, or anyone who arrives under the influence of alcohol or other substances will be sent home.
Finally, a reminder that we will be maintaining our usual high standards and expectations with regard to attendance, behaviour and hard work throughout the exam period. Any failure to meet our expectations will result in the removal of a student’s invitation to the leavers’ event, celebrations and prom.
If you wish to discuss any of these details please do not hesitate to contact me at school by phone or email at
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your help and support during your child’s time at Teignmouth Community School and wish them every success in the future.
Yours faithfully,
Simon Kain
Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum and Student Success)
P.S. Please make sure that all textbooks and library books are returned.
Key Dates
Monday 16th May | Main GCSE exam period begins, full time attendance is compulsory |
Friday 10th June | Year 11 students leave school after English Language exam |
Monday 13th June | Impact Lesson timetable begins – compulsory attendance to exams and impact Lessons |
Thursday 23rd June | Final GCSE exam |
Friday 24th June | Leaver’s Event – 9:15am Year 11 Prom |
Wednesday 29th June | Exam Contingency Day – for any exams that have to be rescheduled |
Wednesday 13th July | Sixth Form Induction Day |
Thursday 25th August | Results Day |