Dear Parent/Guardian
We now have a secured date and venue for a clinic in Exeter. This clinic is for those children who are extremely medically vulnerable and are also for years Reception to Year 11 who would have missed their flu vaccination at school when we visited. This is for the flu immunisation only.
The clinic date is Saturday 4th December 2021. Please call our SPA on 0300 247 0082 to book an appointment. Our lines are currently open 9 am until 12 pm and then 2pm until 4.30 pm. Please note our lines do get extremely busy, so please try throughout the upcoming days and please accept our advance apologies if you don’t manage to get through first time, do please keep trying. Alternatively, you could email us at
If you have already completed an electronic consent, please have the reference number that would have been emailed to you ready to provide to our SPA advisors – this will avoid any duplication. We will close this clinic at 4.30pm on Thursday 2nd December, so please do not call after this time. We will be holding further clinics in January and will keep you updated with these dates as soon as we can.
Please note, if your child has missed their Covid immunisation, you can now book this through 119 or online following this link:
Kind regards.
Immunisation Team
School Age Immunisation Team
Virgin Care Services Limited