Year 10 have had the wonderful opportunity to display their work at the Pavilion in Teignmouth thanks to the support of the Rotary Club of Teignmouth. Both art and photography groups visited the Eden project earlier this year and used their findings to produce photographs and prints inspired by the visit. Photographers focused on natural form and the environment and the artists used their images to design and print using Lino.
Lino printing is a new skill for year 10 artists and we have been extremely lucky to have funding and Support from the Helen foundation who funded the artist Sarah Morris to come in and work with us for two days. It was a very fast paced session where students and staff learnt new processes and techniques. All work was judged by experts Claire Jenkins and Robert Carter who selected ones that stood out and deserved an award. The event was attended by friends and family and a lovely opportunity for student to display their work in an exhibition.
Special thanks goes to The Rotary Club and Pavilion for your continued support. Particular mention to Kathryn and Doug who have organised everything from hanging the work and managed the event. Thanks to the wonderful Sarah Morris for working with us. This would not have been possible for this to happen without the Helen Foundation who continue to raise money and support the arts throughout schools. You have given us the opportunity that we may never have had. Thank you.