Dear Parents and Carers,
You will be aware that your child aged 12-15 are now eligible to receive two doses of the Covid-19 vaccination. If your child needs a first dose you can still book an appointment through the national booking service. Second dose appointments are also now available and this appointment needs to be 12 weeks after the first vaccine or 12 weeks after a positive Covid-19 test.
The School Aged Immunisation Service will be attending most schools between February and April to vaccinate eligible children, where we have a positive consent, and will be offering first and second doses. However, in the meantime if your child is due a first dose or is already eligible and you would like to access their 2nd dose vaccine via your local vaccine centres, they currently have plenty of capacity outside of school hours. This can be booked via the National Booking System now by following this link https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/coronavirus-vaccination/book-coronavirus-vaccination/ or by calling 119.
Greendale in Exeter is offering walk-in centres for this age group in the evenings and at weekends. Please note that several local vaccine centres are now also offering vaccines for this age group so no one should have to travel too far to receive these vaccines. Also please note the centres will adapt their clinics to meet the needs of the population so if you cannot initially book an appointment in your local centre please do keep trying as more will become released regularly.
The School Aged Immunisation Programme will also be continuing to offer Immunisations for HPV, DTP, MenACWY and Flu alongside providing Covid-19 vaccinations. The programme is changing to meet requests from NHS England and to meet local need.
We will be in touch with details of sessions at your child’s school throughout the academic year.
Best wishes,
School Age Immunisation Team
t: 0300 247 0082 (Monday – Friday, 9am – 4.30pm)