This year’s shortlist for the nation’s oldest, most prestigious children’s book award, The Carnegie Medal, has been announced and we are inviting our students to read the books on the list and help decide who will win the Shadowers Choice Award.
Young people who take part in the event are known as ‘shadowers’ as they ‘shadow’ the judging process; they read, discuss the books on the shortlist, write reviews which they can share online, and vote for their favourites.
All of the 8 Carnegie shortlist books are available from our library for students to read during the Easter Break, continuing on until the middle of June when the winners are announced. The Carnegie Shadowing will also be introduced to Years 7 and 8 in their English and AR Reading lessons after the holiday to encourage our students to try something different that they might not have chosen previously. The shortlist has books of various themes and genres, with some strong and accessible verse novels, brilliant historical fiction and stories grounded in folklore and classic myths. If your child enjoys delving into a good book, tell them to email library staff or pop into the library where they can get involved, and have their say on this year’s award.
For more information about the Carnegie Award CLICK HERE