For years the Bookbuzz reading program has been purchased by our school from Book Trust to help inspire a love of reading amongst our Year 7 students. Schools like ours that participate give their new students the chance to choose their own book to take home and keep from a brilliant list of 17 titles. Different books are selected each year by a panel of experts to encourage reading for pleasure.
We get sent 2 of each on the list for library stock (34 in total) which creates the initial buzz about books – but what is really exciting is that students get to choose one of the titles from the list to keep! The ordered books usually arrive in December and thus make a brilliant early Christmas present! Book Trust put together a promotional author video – where authors talk about each book. The range is varied, including fiction and non-fiction, all especially chosen for early secondary school students– and they get to hear what other young people of their age thought about each of the them too. This year the video will be shown from the library during an Accelerated Reader lesson, from 27th September until 8th October. Look for the display in the English corridor for more information and the books (currently on display in the library) will then be able to be borrowed when all orders have been placed. Or check out the website which has lots more detailed information about each title:-
We have found that the initiative really helps our new Year 7’s to make good reading choices and think about what books they like to read. Moreover, they can then borrow any of the other titles on the list from the library.