Y11 Parents Evening – Early finish for period 5
Dear Parents/Carers Due to the Year 11 Parents’ Afternoon and Evening this Wednesday, period 5 will finish 30 minutes earlier at 2.45pm. Any pupil who needs to wait somewhere warm and dry can go to the Arts Centre if they need. Kindest regards, TCS
Y11 Parents Evening Information – Wednesday 12th January
Dear Parents/Carers Year 11 Virtual Parents’ Evening – Wednesday 12th January 15:30 -18:30 7 January 2022 On Wednesday 12th January you and your child/children are invited to our Year 11 subject Parents’ Evening providing you with the opportunity to discuss their progress with our subject teachers. This evening will be booked and held virtually via…
Uniform Sale – Wednesday 12th January
Dear Parents/Carers, We are sorry to have to postpone our Preowned Uniform Sale on 12th January due to distancing rules. Please can parents/carers with urgent requirements email Rosemary Martin who will make arrangements to meet with you individually on: rosemary.martin@teignmouthschool.co.uk Thank you for your understanding. TCS
Covid Vaccinations – 2nd Dose Information from Virgin Care
Dear Parents and Carers, You will be aware that your child aged 12-15 are now eligible to receive two doses of the Covid-19 vaccination. If your child needs a first dose you can still book an appointment through the national booking service. Second dose appointments are also now available and this appointment needs to be…
Teignmouth Community Larder – thank you for your kind donations
Our students and parents have been very generous in their donations to Teignmouth Mutual Aid Community Larder this Christmas. We helped them enormously by collecting sweets, toys and treats which meant much more interesting and fun Christmas packs were able to be made up and donated. This led to 53 boxes of ordinary basics being…
Headteachers Update 3 January 2022
Dear Parents and Carers, Please find attached an update from the Principal. Kind Regards, TCS, Exeter Road Headteacher Update
TCS Christmas Concert 2021
It is with great pleasure to present this year’s Christmas concert at TCS. We have a large variety of extra-curricular clubs and coursework groups performing for you alongside some solos and small group work, many are performing for the first time! It has been a difficult year for the Performing Arts but with every problem…
Y9 Trip – ‘A Christmas Carol’
A Christmas Carol – Year 9 Trip – Monday 13th December Just wanted to let you know how proud I was of our Year 9 students today. All behaved impeccably and were a real credit to the school. Even Paul, our Coach Driver, said that he had rarely come across more courteous students. They all…
South Devon Rugby – Quarter Finals
South Devon Rugby – Quarter Finals against Kingsbridge The year 11 rugby team played Kingsbridge in the Quarter Finals of the South Devon Rugby competition. In a highly physical and competitive game against a strong Kingsbridge team; who played to their strength of using the power of their forwards to crash their way through the…