Research published this year from The National Literacy Trust states that “Audiobooks can be the key to unlocking a child’s love of reading, with exciting voices and sound effects bringing stories to life.”
So we are pleased to let you know that Audible have made hundreds of children’s books available for free to stream whilst schools are closed and children are at home. You don’t need an audible account to access them and they can be listened to immediately on a laptop, tablet, smart phone or ordinary desktop computer.
The website explains “Stories will be here so kids everywhere and of all ages can stream incredible content to keep their minds engaged while daily routines are disrupted in these unprecedented circumstances.” Take a look at what is available on the following link:-
Some of the titles are appropriate for Y7 and Y8 students and can be used for AR quizzing, but you will need to cross-reference with the AR Bookfinder website to check if they have quizzes. A more detailed list of those suitable for quizzing will be passed on to students shortly. In the meantime, any KS3 students and Y9 and above could stretch and inspire themselves by listening to some really good literary classics…