For every school in the country, the A Level and Level 3 vocational results this year are like no other year. It has been an incredibly difficult few months for so many people, not least for those taking the significant step of leaving school or college. The results this year have been worked out by teachers and then moderated through a national statistical model run by the Office for Qualifications (Ofqual). There is no perfect way of doing this and there is already a lot of controversy in the national press. Despite the difficulties, staff at Teignmouth Community School Sixth Form (TCS6) would like to congratulate and celebrate the amazing resilience, positivity and hard work of our students in the face of Covid-19!
Students at TCS6 have once again achieved a 100% pass rate for all students completing their level 3 studies. The grades include 36% at the top level A*/ A grades, or equivalent, and 91% A*-C grades. 50% of leavers have chosen to go to university this autumn with the rest looking to take up apprenticeships, work or take a year out. Those applying to university have all achieved places with their first choice institutions. These include Bristol, Exeter, Plymouth and Reading universities, where they will study a wide range of subjects from law to nursing to foreign languages, amongst many others.
James O’Connell, Principal, commented:
In this year of all years, I would like to pay tribute to the hard work and positivity of our students and the staff who supported them. Despite the difficulties of the last six months, it must be remembered that these results represent the culmination of not just two-year courses, but thirteen years’ of schooling. This year of students are a special cohort and should be celebrated as such. We are particularly proud of their successes and excellent results.
Left: Morgan Green who achieved two Distinction Stars and a Distinction and is progressing to UCFB Wembley to study Football Coaching and Management.
Right: Lily-Mae Petherick who achieved two A grades and a Distinction Star and is progressing to Plymouth University to read Psychology with Criminology.